May 6, 2013

MouseHunt vs. 9 1/2 Weeks

JULIE STORY # 1…  MouseHunt vs. 9 ½ Weeks

I have SO many funny stories that involve my friend Julie that I have decided to start a “Collection” called JULIE STORIES.  I plan to share my favorite Julie Stories from time to time.

This first Julie Story starts with a mother of four children named Julie.  Years ago, she rented a movie to babysit her 2nd grade son since she needed to get some important things done.

Like a good mother, she rented a movie she thought her son would enjoy, MouseHunt.

She gave him the movie rental and started doing her work.   Her son called down from the playroom and claimed that there was not a mouse in the movie.  Although she had never seen the movie, she assured him that the mouse would appear soon and told him to go back and watch the cute movie.

He called down a couple more times bothering her about the no mouse issue and she kept shooing him back upstairs to watch the movie.  He finally finished the movie.

The next day, her son invited his cousin over to watch the “mouse movie”.   When Julie was in the upstairs hallway and heard strange moaning noises coming from the playroom, she went in to investigate.

This was back before Redbox machines  - a time when a human Blockbuster employee supposedly checked the returned movies and made sure the cases weren’t mixed up.  Oops.  As it turns out, the movie in the MouseHunt case was 9 ½ Weeks!!!  In case you’ve never heard of 9 ½ Weeks…   According to, “The title of the film refers to the duration of a relationship between Wall Street arbitrageur  John Gray (Mickey Rourke) and divorced SoHo art gallery employee Elizabeth McGraw (Kim Basinger). The two meet and have a volatile and somewhat kinky sex life involving a variety of sexual and erotic acts.”  It’s rated R.  Duh.  Yes, the work “kinky” jumped out at you.  Admit it.

Julie called her sister to apologize for the mistake – in case her nephew told his mom that he had seen a movie at his cousin’s house in which the people were “riding each other like horses” (her son’s description).

BTW - There really is a mouse in the movie MouseHunt… or so I’ve heard.

Too bad I can’t do a follow-up on what percentage of you will now rent the movie 9 ½ Weeks.

…and that’s my 2 cents’ worth, Cheryl

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