November 1, 2012

Christmas Gift Chart – Get Organized!

I am organized and my siblings are organized.  It’s in our DNA. Our mother used to set her dining room table a week early for a dinner party and then cover it with a lightweight sheet to keep the dust off.  Then she would check it off her list.  She makes lists for EVERYTHING.  She would start writing a menu/grocery list for a lake weekend on a Monday and start asking us who would be there for lunch and dinner.  I had teenagers...  like I had any clue on MONDAY who would be eating lunch on Saturday at the lake. Ha!
When I was growing up, every fall, my mom would tape together two sheets of paper (long-ways) and make a giant Christmas gift chart.  We four children were the rows.  The columns were Nannie, Mimi, Auntie Margaret, Aunt Catherine, Auntie Rita, Auntie Geraldine, etc.  Yes… Geraldine… and that’s what she was called.  Anyway, since they lived far away, they gave my mom money to buy gifts for the four of us from them.   The giant chart kept her very organized and also served to make sure we all wrote the proper thank you notes… not e-mails… this was 1975… real notes on paper that were written with a pen and mailed with a stamp.  Torture!

I have a chart, but it is different.  The rows are all of the people for whom I buy a gift.   The columns are the Gift, whether it’s been Purchased, whether it’s been Wrapped, whether it’s been Delivered, and what Gift they gave to us.  I honestly thought every person in America had a Christmas gift chart.  Years ago, my friend Samantha saw my gift chart.  She was amazed; she didn’t have a chart like this.  (I bet her mother probably didn’t start packing for a trip about a month in advance either.)  I was shocked that she thought this chart was so clever; I can’t imagine going Christmas shopping without a Gift Chart.   The 20-year-olds who are reading this need to just start out doing their chart/list on their smart phones.   I have been using my trusty printed chart for so many years, I’ll stick with it BUT it would be REALLY bad if I lost it.  Of course, you can lose a smart phone too BUT if you have backed it up to iCloud then you’re in good shape!
Headings of gift chart

Where was I?  Oh, yeh.  I encourage you to start out with a chart/list like this and then tweak it each year to fit your needs. 
As you can see from the following photo, I keep my charts.  Why?  1. I’m a little bit of a pack rat.  2.  I don’t like to have to remember stuff – it’s too much trouble.  3. I have a gift shelf.    One year I bought a bunch of really, really nice frames from Belk for a really, really good price.  I can easily check and see if I’ve already given one to the Thompsons.  You are smiling right now because you know what I’m talking about.  I’m not a big re-gifter.  I’m not saying I’ve never done it.  If you’re a big re-gifter, you definitely need to have a chart and keep all of your old charts.  How embarrassing would it be to give the same frame to the same person two years in a row? Very.
15 years of gift charts...
I have a completely separate list for my immediate family.  Since we have two children, it used to be VERY important to give each child the same number of gifts… no matter that one cost $5 and a video game cost $60 – it was very important to wrap the same number of packages!  One year, my younger son needed a punishment (let’s just say he made my older son’s face bleed one day before Nina’s Family Christmas Picture Appointment.)  As the punishment, I told him he would get one less Christmas present that year.  As all parents should know, you always have to do what you say you’re going to do.   Wow.  When my older son got to open that extra present, you would have thought we gave him a pony.  It had quite an effect and is now a favorite family story.  In truth, you must know that I actually wrapped up a pair of long johns that he would have gotten anyway, but since the presents were not opened in any order, the fact that he received an extra present is what stuck in their brains.
Note to self:  one less Christmas present is a really good punishment.

Start your Christmas Gift Chart today!

To print out a blank gift chart to get you started, click this link: 

… and that’s my 2 cents’ worth, Cheryl

PS Sorry to have made fun of my Auntie Geraldine’s name.  She was a smart, spunky ole spinster who lived until she was 102.  She had a total knee replacement when she was 97!  That’s not a typo – 97!

PSS I’ve heard rumors that my sister Layne knew where my mom hid The Chart and would take a peak at it every few days for weeks leading up to Christmas!!  Not fair!

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  1. I like your chart, but am wondering what the P, W, D stands for.

    1. Purchased, Wrapped, and Delivered! Glad you like the chart!
