November 6, 2012

Credit Monitoring Chart - Get Organized!

To print out blank chart, see below

If you don’t live and work in SC, you can just scroll down to my next blog posting.  Otherwise, I’m sure you’re moaning when you see this subject – a thorn in our sides.
I get it.  In fact, if I have talked to you for any reason in the last week, chances are you’ve had to hear me b*tch about how much time I have spent protecting my family’s credit from the notorious SC Cyber Attacker.  My main problem was that my son’s credit is in his college apartment address vs. our home address.

In case you’ve been out of the country for a couple of weeks, a hacker got the social security numbers of millions of South Carolinians. 

At a MINIMUM, you should sign up for the free credit monitoring:

Protect My ID; 1-866-578-5422; ; code is SCDOR123

A fraud alert typically lasts about 90 days.  The way I figure it, if a bad guy cyber attacker is smart enough to hack into a state’s department of revenue database and steal millions of social security numbers, he’s smart enough to sit on the info for over 90 days.  After 90 days, you can do another fraud alert.  How often do you change your air filters?  You’re supposed to do it every month.  (I’m just sayin’.)   Shoot, he’s probably even smart enough to have made a copy of it.  That way, after he gets caught and after he spends time in jail, he can then use the info or sell it to another bad guy.  I’m thinking that the safest thing to do is freeze my credit and then only unfreeze it when I know a company needs to check it.  A credit freeze is different than a fraud alert.  Your credit stays frozen until you unfreeze it either for a temporary period of time or for a certain company who needs to check your credit.

Believe it or not, this has already happened to me.  I froze my credit last week with all three credit bureaus.   (It is free in many states including SC.)  This week a utility company (SCE&G) needed to check my credit.   I found out they use Equifax, so I went on the Equifax website and unfroze my credit just for SCE&G.  It took about 5 minutes.  Now here’s the important part:  YOU HAVE TO KNOW WHAT YOUR CREDIT FREEZE PIN IS!!!!  This is scary for a lot of people who can’t keep up with that kind of stuff.  That is why I am sharing my Credit Monitoring Chart.  I hope I don’t have to tell you to print it out and HANDWRITE the info; do NOT type in it and do NOT keep it on your hard drive.  I hope none of you are that stupid. (BTW for you grammar freaks – “none” can take a plural verb).  I hope none of you is that stupid just sounded stupid – so I checked so I wouldn’t sound stupid.  Who’s on first?!

Anyway, after you have filled out the form (at LEAST the ProtectMyID part please), put it in a file folder called Credit Monitoring or something like that.  Include the credit freeze letters that you printed out if you did that part.  Keep the file in a safe place, preferably a locked filing cabinet.

Child #1
Child # 2
ProtectMyID userid

ProtectMyID password

E-mail address given to ProtectMyID

ProtectMyID cust. #

Experian Credit Freeze PIN

Date Experian credit freeze done

TransUnion username

TransUnion password

TransUnion Credit Freeze PIN

Date TransUnion credit freeze done

Equifax security freeze PIN

Date Equifax security freeze done


Here’s the link to print out the blank chart:

If you want to go the extra mile and freeze your credit, these are the freeze links for the three credit reporting agencies:


The hacker also got info of over ½ million SC businesses.  I had an LLC that hasn’t done business in over a year, so I got the form to legally terminate the LLC.  If you’re in the same boat, here’s the link to the form:

Trust me, I know that doing this stuff is not how you want to spend your time, but it may prevent an identity theft nightmare.

If you have questions or comments, please e-mail me at

… and that’s my 2 cents’ worth, Cheryl

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